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Last posts about China Ethnic Groups
Ritual prostrations of Tibetan pilgrims
Ritual prostrations of Tibetan pilgrims The end of the path of any pilgrimage is a temple or mountain considered the abode of the gods. Reaching it is the culmination of the journey. At that moment the pilgrims, in spiritual bliss, pay homage to the gods in two ways:...
Mask of the Protector Palden Lhamo
Mask of the Protector Palden Lhamo Palden Lhamo is one of the main protector deities of Tibetan Buddhism. Among her many roles, she is the special protector of the city of Lhasa, the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism, and the Dalai Lamas of Tibet. She was invited to...
«Dujie» (Initiation Rite) Masks of the Yao people
"Dujie" (Initiation Rite) Masks of the Yao people Popular among the Yao people in Wenshan and Honghe Prefectures, the Dujie masks are used for the ceremonies of the boys' rites of passage. The ceremony, performed for boys that are about fourteen years...
The headdress of the Jingpo women
The headdress of the Jingpo women The clothing style of the Jingpo people is rough and bold, It is possible that it reflects that past time when they were the masters of the frontier mountains, and caravans had to pay a tax to pass through their lands. Men of the...
Pictographic writing among the Evenki
Pictographic writing among the Evenki In Chi Zijian’s novel The Last Quarter of the Moon (English translation by Bruce Humes) there is a short story describing the creation of pictographs to write the Evenki language. “Shiban had two great loves: creating Evenki...
The Flowery Miao in Zhaotong
The Flowery Miao in Zhaotong As depicted by E. G. KEMP in The Face of China. New York. 1909. The prefectural town of Zhaotong was reached after passing through a dull plain, across which a piercing wind was blowing, which is characteristic of this district. It is an...
The Flood Myth, Shamans and the Sani Religion
The Flood Myth, Shamans and the Sani Religion We continue with the second chapter of Paul Vial “Los Lolos”, in which fragments dedicated to the myth of the flood and the activities of its shamans are particularly striking. CHAPTER II - RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS These...
There was a matriarchy among the Yugur?
There was a matriarchy among the Yugur? The matrimonial customs of the Yugur present differences between their two main groups. Among the Eastern Yugur, girls had a time of great sexual freedom. Their rite of passage was the ceremony of making the headdress, which was...
The Yugur of Gansu, descendants of the Kings of Dunhuang
o The Yugur of Gansu, descendants of the Kings of Dunhuang Name. Their Chinese name is Yugu, written 裕 固 族. The Yugu or Yugur call themselves Yaoyuer and Xilayuguer. The name Yugur is relatively recent, as it only began to be used after 1949. Population: About 13,000...
Chinese characters

The character chai 拆- dismantle
The character chai 拆- dismantle One of the most frequent characters in the urban scenery of the China of the development and the transformation is chai 拆- dismantle. Any walk through the old neighborhoods of most Chinese cities continually led to being confronted...
Ethnic groups

Wonderful- yaks most precious treasure is their manure
Wonderful- yaks most precious treasure is their manure Most of the travelers who visited Tibet in former times noticed the importance that, for the maintenance of the living of the Tibetan nomads and travellers, had the Yak manure, known among the...
Chinese culture

2,000-year-old paintings in a Chinese tomb
2,000-year-old paintings in a Chinese tomb It has been more than 10 years since the publication of The complete collection of murals unearthed in China, a dozen or so books describing with abundant full-color photographs the frescoes discovered in Chinese tombs....
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