Sexual aspects of Gu venom

Gu illness resulted from a contamination by gu poison, which a recent analyst has characterized as “an alien evil spirit which entered [the] body and developed into worms or some similar animal that gnawed away at the intestines or genitalia.” This poison was thought...

Sunset in Dali

No Words Fuxing Rd from the South Gate. Dali, Yunnan.Corner in Fuxing Rd, Dali, Yunnan.Night market at the south of the South Gate. Dali. YunnanLast posts

The five secret temples of the lamas in Lijiang

The five secret temples of the lamas in Lijiang Religions of Lijiang Although the city of Lijiang is known primarily for the Dongba religion practiced by the traditional shamans of the Naxi, also called Dongba, who with their rituals administered the religious and...

The Local Lords cult of the Bai nationality

The worship of the Local Lords (benzhu) is the most characteristic of the Bai people. Their religious life revolves around the Benzhu temple of each village, as each village venerates a local lord, sometimes a historical figure who sacrificed for the people. In other...

Zhang Yongzheng, the master of deluding reality

Zhang Yongzheng, the master of deluding reality Reality is an illusion, say Buddhist texts. And each of Zhang Yonggzheng's (Gansu, 1978) works plays with this concept to remind us again and again that there is no immutable reality but a fluid universe of forms that...
Sunset in Dali
Sunset in Dali

No Words Fuxing Rd from the South Gate. Dali, Yunnan.Corner in Fuxing Rd, Dali, Yunnan.Night market at the south of the South Gate. Dali. YunnanLast posts

Two stories of Liu Ba, the Bai trickster
Two stories of Liu Ba, the Bai trickster

Two stories of Liu Ba, the Bai trickster The Bai are one of the minorities who have had the longest contact with the Chinese.They are also one of the minorities that has received more cultural influences.  This has been due to the accessibility of the land they...

Ethnic groups

Sexual aspects of Gu venom
Sexual aspects of Gu venom

Gu illness resulted from a contamination by gu poison, which a recent analyst has characterized as “an alien evil spirit which entered [the] body and developed into worms or some similar animal that gnawed away at the intestines or genitalia.” This poison was thought...

The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  now available in Greek language
The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3 now available in Greek language

The book “Hanzi for HSK 1-3”  now available in Greek language This April, the translation of my book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  has been published in the main digital bookstores in Greece. The Greek version of this book, from the pen of Stefanos Karampalis, has been one of...

Chinese culture

Zhang Yongzheng, the master of deluding reality
Zhang Yongzheng, the master of deluding reality

Zhang Yongzheng, the master of deluding reality Reality is an illusion, say Buddhist texts. And each of Zhang Yonggzheng's (Gansu, 1978) works plays with this concept to remind us again and again that there is no immutable reality but a fluid universe of forms that...

12 Chinese idioms related to the tiger
12 Chinese idioms related to the tiger

12 Chinese idioms related to the tiger With the arrival of the Year of the Tiger 2022, here are 12 set phrases (chengyu) related to the tiger, so that those who are getting familiar with the Chinese language can practice one each month. As a wolf, as a tiger 如狼似虎...

We are working to republish all the old post in this new format, but due to the vast amount of post published in the last years, it is possible that old and new design posts will coexist during some months.



GeneralAchang BaiBaima – BaoanBulangBuyangBuyiChashanDaiDaur – DeangDengDong – DongxiangDulong – Ersu – EwenkiGejia – GelaoHaniHezheJingpoJinoKucongLahuLhobaLiLisuManchuMaonanMiaoMongolsMosoMulaoNamziNaxiNuOroqenPumiQiangSaniSheShuiTaluTibetanTuTujiaUygurWaXibeYaoYiYugurZhuang

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