China Ethnic Groups

We are working to republish all the old post in this new format, but due to the vast amount of post published in the last years, it is possible that old and new design posts will coexist during some months.



GeneralAchang BaiBaima – BaoanBulangBuyangBuyiChashanDaiDaur – DeangDengDong – DongxiangDulong – Ersu – EwenkiGejia – GelaoHaniHezheJingpoJinoKucongLahuLhobaLiLisuManchuMaonanMiaoMongolsMosoMulaoNamziNaxiNuOroqenPumiQiangSaniSheShuiTaluTibetanTuTujiaUygurWaXibeYaoYiYugurZhuang


jinuo book

Last posts about China Ethnic Groups

The sacred forests of the Dai
The sacred forests of the Dai

The sacred forests of the Dai: Protecting the ancestors - protecting nature. Among the indigenous peoples that inhabit the south of China, there are a good number that have near their villages a small grove that they consider sacred. Usually they believe that this...

Chinese characters

Chinese character for «snake»
Chinese character for «snake»

Chinese character for "snake” The Chinese character to represent the snake has undergone over the centuries a curious evolution that, although seen from the cultural perspective of the XXI century may seem strange, it will not be so much if we remember the symbolism...

Ethnic groups

Tibetans, the people who descend from the monkey
Tibetans, the people who descend from the monkey

Tibetans, the people who descend from the monkey According to an ancient myth, the Tibetans originated from the union of an ogress (raksasi) and a monkey. The monkey was sent by Avalokitesvara, Mother Buddha, to sow the seed of Buddhism in these lands. One day, an...

Chinese culture

How the presence of goddesses paves the way for female power
How the presence of goddesses paves the way for female power

How the presence of goddesses paved the way for female power One of the theses of my book Matriarchy in China: mothers, goddesses, queens and shamans (Madrid, 2011) was to assert that the presence of goddesses with prominent roles in a culture could signal the past or...

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