China Ethnic Groups

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GeneralAchang BaiBaima – BaoanBulangBuyangBuyiChashanDaiDaur – DeangDengDong – DongxiangDulong – Ersu – EwenkiGejia – GelaoHaniHezheJingpoJinoKucongLahuLhobaLiLisuManchuMaonanMiaoMongolsMosoMulaoNamziNaxiNuOroqenPumiQiangSaniSheShuiTaluTibetanTuTujiaUygurWaXibeYaoYiYugurZhuang


jinuo book

Last posts about China Ethnic Groups

The Landing Yao Ancestral Festival of July
The Landing Yao Ancestral Festival of July

The Landing Yao Ancestral Festival of July All around China, the seventh month of the lunar calendar is known as the month of the ghosts, because in this month is celebrated the Mid-Year Festival. The Mid-Year Festival has nowadays many variations and it includes a...

We are lucky- A list of free books about the Zhuang
We are lucky- A list of free books about the Zhuang

Free books about the Zhuang Fortunately for the lovers of the Zhuang nationality culture and language, there are some books, freely available to all the interested readers. Here, there is a list of the books we know are in this moment free to read and/or download....

The world of Naxi nationality Dongba deities
The world of Naxi nationality Dongba deities

The Naxi people believe that every object, animal, plant, or natural phenomena has its own spirit. In the Dongba scriptures more than 2,400 spirits can be found. The sky, earth, sun, moon, mountains, water, wind, and even stones are all believed to be animate and...

The Bulang, aborigines of Yunnan
The Bulang, aborigines of Yunnan

The Bulang are one of the oldest populations in the Southwest of Yunnan Province. They are considered one of the aboriginal inhabitants of this province, where they could have lived for more than two thousand years. They inhabit this mountainous region that forms the...

To marry a goddess in Yunnan (Jinuo nationality)
To marry a goddess in Yunnan (Jinuo nationality)

Pedro Ceinos-Arcones. China's last but one matriarchy: The Jino of Yunnan. 2018 Jinuos’ main religious specialists are bailabao, mopei and zhalai or Blacksmith. The oldest man of the main clan in the village is called zhuoba or mother of the village; the oldest of the...

Childbirth in Naxi culture
Childbirth in Naxi culture

The rituals performed at birth suggest that in the Naxi traditional thought the entering of the Sv life god in a person is a gradual process developed during the last term of pregnancy and the first days of life, and that this process is considered complete in a first...

The wonderful culture of the Jinuo
The wonderful culture of the Jinuo

Hidden in the tropical mountains of China’s southern border lives one of its most interesting minorities: The Jino nationality. With a population of only 21,000 people they are one of the less known ethnic groups in China, who in the past were often confused with the...

Introducing the Dong nationality
Introducing the Dong nationality

The Dong are one of the minorities of China with a large population. According to the census of the year 2000 their population was 3,000,000 people. They live mainly in Guizhou Province (approximately 1,800,000 people), along a fringe of flat lands that cross the...

The Dai of Dehong Prefecture
The Dai of Dehong Prefecture

Santasombat, Yos. Lak Chang: A Reconstruction of Tai Identity in Daikong. Canberra, AUS: Pandanus Books, 2001. p 1. (Introduction) The Tai ethnic group, in its different branches, is beyond any doubt one of the most widespread of any ethnic group in the Southeast...

Chinese characters

Discovering the tiger and the shaman in Chinese characters.
Discovering the tiger and the shaman in Chinese characters.

Discovering the tiger and the shaman in Chinese characters. In Chinese skin is pifu (皮肤). In the character pi 皮, which means skin, one can still discover a hand flaying a skin. The character fu 肤, however, is a simplified character, showing us the radical of the...

Ethnic groups

The first description of the Religion of the Yi
The first description of the Religion of the Yi

The first description of the Religion of the Yi By Father François Louis Crabouillet in 1872. The religion of the Lolos[i] is that of sorcerers: it consists only of conjurations of evil spirits, according to them, the only authors of evil. Without being devout like...

Chinese culture

Manual of Taoist Architecture
Manual of Taoist Architecture

Manual of Taoist Architecture There are some illustrated books that produce in the reader a contradictory feeling, because the images that explain what the text is about are sometimes accompanied by an exposition of ideas that is too superficial. Therefore the reader...

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