Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse

Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse In a biography of Xu Sibo[1], a Daoist specialist in water therapy of the fifth century of our era[2], we read: "There lived a matron who had been troubled with incurable constipation for many years, and that Sibo,...

The tragedy of the beauty Wang Zhaojun

The tragedy of the beauty Wang Zhaojun Emperor Yuan (48–33 BCE) had a large harem and could not meet with all the palace women regularly. Therefore, he ordered painters to create portraits of them, and he would summon them for favors based on these portraits. Most of...

The economics of human plowing

The economics of human plowing  According to “The Exploitation Of The Works Of Nature”, a 17th century Chinese book.  In farming households where there are no oxen to use, farmers fix a pole to the plough and two men pull the plough by placing the pole on their...

The Muslim rebellion in 19th century Yunnan

The Muslim Rebellion in Yunnan in 19th century. This is the first English translation of Émile Rocher’s book on the Panthay Rebellion. Originally published in 1879 as La Province chinoise du Yunnan, is a valuable firsthand account of Yunnan during the mid-19th...

Kunming Scenes 2025-feb

The World of Noodles If the variety of wheat or rice noodles found in China is already enough to fill an entire book, an appendix should be dedicated to noodles made from other ingredients. It seems that any vegetable that can be turned into flour only needs a bit of...
Sunset in Dali
Sunset in Dali

No Words Fuxing Rd from the South Gate. Dali, Yunnan.Corner in Fuxing Rd, Dali, Yunnan.Night market at the south of the South Gate. Dali. YunnanLast posts

The goddess of the Sun of the Jingpo
The goddess of the Sun of the Jingpo

The goddess of the Sun of the Jingpo The goddess of the Sun was in the sky when one day she realized that on Earth the situation of men had changed a great deal. When they were created, they were all equal, and without evil and they did not covet riches. The latest...

Ethnic groups

Sunset in Dali
Sunset in Dali

No Words Fuxing Rd from the South Gate. Dali, Yunnan.Corner in Fuxing Rd, Dali, Yunnan.Night market at the south of the South Gate. Dali. YunnanLast posts

The Muslim rebellion in 19th century Yunnan
The Muslim rebellion in 19th century Yunnan

The Muslim Rebellion in Yunnan in 19th century. This is the first English translation of Émile Rocher’s book on the Panthay Rebellion. Originally published in 1879 as La Province chinoise du Yunnan, is a valuable firsthand account of Yunnan during the mid-19th...

Chinese culture

The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  now available in Greek language
The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3 now available in Greek language

The book “Hanzi for HSK 1-3”  now available in Greek language This April, the translation of my book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  has been published in the main digital bookstores in Greece. The Greek version of this book, from the pen of Stefanos Karampalis, has been one of...

Caractères chinois – le livre
Caractères chinois – le livre

Caractères chinois - le livre Ce livre est consacré à révéler à l'étudiant occidental le "mystère" des caractères chinois, rendre leur apprentissage simple, fournir les clés pour entrevoir le sens et la prononciation des caractères inconnus. Pour ce faire, nous allons...

We are working to republish all the old post in this new format, but due to the vast amount of post published in the last years, it is possible that old and new design posts will coexist during some months.



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