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Last posts about China Ethnic Groups
Two stories of Liu Ba, the Bai trickster
Two stories of Liu Ba, the Bai trickster The Bai are one of the minorities who have had the longest contact with the Chinese.They are also one of the minorities that has received more cultural influences. This has been due to the accessibility of the land they...
The history of the Sani of the Stone Forest
The history of the Sani of the Stone Forest As told by father Paul Vial in his book Les Lolos, Histoire, religion, mœurs, langue, écriture. The Lolos say they came from the region between Tibet and Burma, and at the very beginning of their history, they...
Danuohei, the stone village of the Sani minority
Danuohei, the stone village of the Sani minority Danuohei Village - (大糯黑村) is a Sani minority village. The Sani minority, actually a branch of the Yi, lives in the whole area around the Stone Forest until reaching Puzhehei, where one can also visit some beautiful...
The Baoan, master sword makers in the Silk Road
The Baoan, master sword makers In the dry lands of Gansu province, at the foot of the Jishishan mountain, there are three villages inhabited by different people. At first glance, their life is the same as that of any other Muslim population in that vast region crossed...
The goddess of the Sun of the Jingpo
The goddess of the Sun of the Jingpo The goddess of the Sun was in the sky when one day she realized that on Earth the situation of men had changed a great deal. When they were created, they were all equal, and without evil and they did not covet riches. The latest...
Funeral Masks of the Zhuang people in the Nationalities Museum of Kunming
Funeral Masks of the Zhuang people in nationalities Museum of Kunming Known as Longyawai Masks, they are funeral ceremony masks popular in the Zhuang communities of Wenshan Autonomous Prefecture, on the east of Yunnan Province. The masks are shaped as a lion, they are...
The creation of the world among the Wa of China
The creation of the world among the Wa of China As soon as the heaven was formed, it looked like the back of a toad, full of lumps and protrusions, it was very ugly. The god Li[i] extended his hands and was polishing without stopping. Nobody knows how many years he...
The Jinuo, descendants of the uncle
The Jinuo, descendants of the uncle The Jino, with a population of only 21.500 persons (in 2005) are one of the smallest minorities in China and the last to be officially recognized as such, as they were designated a national minority and granted the special rights...
The Blue Women of China of the Yao minority
The Blue Women of China of the Yao minority Many people have heard of the Blue Men of the Sahara (the Tuareg), but few have heard of the Blue Women of China. And in fact among the women of the so-called Landian Yao or Landen Yao outside China, the production, dyeing...
Chinese characters

The Peach, fruit of immortality
The Peach, fruit of immortality In my "Manual of Writing Chinese Characters" (1) I hold an opinion contrary to that of most scholars of Chinese characters, and that is that the formation of the so-called picto-phonetic characters responds not only to the composition...
Ethnic groups

Life of Milarepa, the hermit poet
Life of Milarepa, the hermit poet. MiIarepa is one of the most beloved religious leaders of Tibet. His story, full of unique facts, has been told again and again over the centuries, and if the publishers did not warn that this is the autobiography written by the holy...
Chinese culture

Buddhist Monks in Medieval China
Buddhist Monks in Medieval China That is the subject of John Kieschnick's book. The book analyzes the contents of the three collections of biographies of monks that became famous in medieval China, through them he tries to give us first a characterization of the...
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