China Ethnic Groups

We are working to republish all the old post in this new format, but due to the vast amount of post published in the last years, it is possible that old and new design posts will coexist during some months.



GeneralAchang BaiBaima – BaoanBulangBuyangBuyiChashanDaiDaur – DeangDengDong – DongxiangDulong – Ersu – EwenkiGejia – GelaoHaniHezheJingpoJinoKucongLahuLhobaLiLisuManchuMaonanMiaoMongolsMosoMulaoNamziNaxiNuOroqenPumiQiangSaniSheShuiTaluTibetanTuTujiaUygurWaXibeYaoYiYugurZhuang


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Chinese characters

Chinese character 坎 kǎn – pit, hole
Chinese character 坎 kǎn – pit, hole

Chinese character 吹 chuī – cook 1. pit.2. hole. 3. bank (of a river). 4. ridge HSK - STROKES - RADICAL - 土 Elements  ----  An open mouth (lacking)  欠 + earth 土 . Phonetic series 欠. A pictogram of a hole in the earth: the place lacking 欠 earth 土. 垄坎lǒngkǎn ridge...

Ethnic groups

Some books about the Yao Nationality
Some books about the Yao Nationality

Some books about the Yao Nationality Akemura Takuji.- TWO TYPES OF THE FEAST OF MERIT AMONG THE YAO, SOUTH CHINA. Tokyo 1968. Eli Alberts.- A History of Daoism and the Yao People of South China. Cambria Press, 2007 The term Yao refers to a non-sinitic speaking,...

Chinese culture

The top 10 gods in 20th century Sichuan
The top 10 gods in 20th century Sichuan

he top 10 deities in 20th century Sichuan And we assume that there will be no major differences with the most popular ones in other parts of China, except on the coast, where the Empress of Heaven (Tianhuo), patron goddess of sailors, would be in the leading...

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