por pedroceinos | Feb 1, 2021 | ethnic-groups, tibetans
Ritual prostrations of Tibetan pilgrims Ritual prostrations of Tibetan pilgrims The end of the path of any pilgrimage is a temple or mountain considered the abode of the gods. Reaching it is the culmination of the journey. At that moment the pilgrims, in spiritual...
por pedroceinos | Ene 29, 2021 | ethnic-groups
Mask of the Protector Palden Lhamo Mask of the Protector Palden Lhamo Palden Lhamo is one of the main protector deities of Tibetan Buddhism. Among her many roles, she is the special protector of the city of Lhasa, the Gelugpa order of Tibetan Buddhism, and the Dalai...
por pedroceinos | Ene 29, 2021 | ethnic-groups, yao
«Dujie» (Initiation Rite) Masks of the Yao people «Dujie» (Initiation Rite) Masks of the Yao people Popular among the Yao people in Wenshan and Honghe Prefectures, the Dujie masks are used for the ceremonies of the boys’ rites of passage. The...
por pedroceinos | Dic 27, 2020 | ethnic-groups
The Jinuo, descendants of the uncle The Jinuo, descendants of the uncle The Jino, with a population of only 21.500 persons (in 2005) are one of the smallest minorities in China and the last to be officially recognized as such, as they were designated a national...
por pedroceinos | Dic 24, 2020 | ethnic-groups, yao
The Blue Women of China of the Yao minority The Blue Women of China of the Yao minority Many people have heard of the Blue Men of the Sahara (the Tuareg), but few have heard of the Blue Women of China. And in fact among the women of the so-called Landian Yao or Landen...