The drum of the clan among the Balou Yao

The drum of the clan among the Balou Yao

The drum of the clan among the Balou Yao The drum of the clan among the Balou Yao The Yao are one of the peoples who inhabit the mountains of southern China. They are composed of numerous branches, with languages and cultures that are quite different. One branch of...
The religion of the Pai Yao

The religion of the Pai Yao

The religion of the Pai Yao The religion of the Pai Yao The Pai Yao living in Liannan County believe that the world is populated by a multitude of spirits that they roughly divide into big and small spirits. According to their behavior regarding human beings, they are...
Thoughts about the Yao history

Thoughts about the Yao history

Thoughts about the Yao history Thoughts about the Yao history Two of the papers presented in the First International Congress of Yao Studies deal with the origin and meaning of the «King Ping’s Charter», a kind of document that granted the Yao free pass across...
History of the Yao of China

History of the Yao of China

History of the Yao of China History of the Yao of China The Yao consider that Panhu is their ancestor. A mythical figure placed in the center of their most important myths that had real existence for them. Some of the modern specialists agree that Panhu is, in fact, a...
Interpretation of dreams among the Yao

Interpretation of dreams among the Yao

Interpretation of dreams among the Yao Interpretation of dreams among the Yao The Yao have a complex system of dream interpretation, which, like other neighboring peoples, they divide into auspicious and unfortunate. For them, to dream of the sun setting behind a hill...

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