The Stories of Beijing of David Kidd The Stories of Beijing of David Kidd This book narrates some events in the life of an aristocratic family during the years in which China ended its traditional history and became a communist country. The author arrived in Beijing...
The Spirits are drunk. Comparative approaches to Chinese religion Paper, Jordan. The Spirits are drunk. Comparative approaches to Chinese religion. SUNY Press. 1995 This is a completely original book on the religions of China. Instead of following the repetitive...
The ox and the ritual plow in springtime The ox and the ritual plow in springtime Throughout the imperial era, every year the beginning of agricultural work was celebrated by a solemn ceremony called the Plowing Festival. «The emperor himself would take a yellow plow...
The bull and the political development of Neolithic China The bull and the political development of Neolithic China Since the history of the penetration of domestic cattle in China goes parallel to that of the political concentration that gave rise to the first cities...
THE LION-DANCE AS RELIGIOUS DANCE THE LION-DANCE AS RELIGIOUS DANCE The lion-dancers first appeared in China under the Tang dynasty (a.d. 618-906), and made their debut at the court of the kings of Tibet about the same time. The lion-dancer represents a form of the...