por pedroceinos | Mar 21, 2021 | ethnic-groups, yi
The first description of the Religion of the Yi The first description of the Religion of the Yi By Father François Louis Crabouillet in 1872. The religion of the Lolos[i] is that of sorcerers: it consists only of conjurations of evil spirits, according to them, the...
por pedroceinos | Ene 13, 2021 | ethnic-groups, yi
The Flood Myth, Shamans and the Sani Religion The Flood Myth, Shamans and the Sani Religion We continue with the second chapter of Paul Vial “Los Lolos”, in which fragments dedicated to the myth of the flood and the activities of its shamans are particularly striking....
por pedroceinos | Ene 4, 2021 | books, ethnic-groups, yi
The history of the Sani of the Stone Forest The history of the Sani of the Stone Forest As told by father Paul Vial in his book Les Lolos, Histoire, religion, mœurs, langue, écriture. The Lolos say they came from the region between Tibet and Burma, and...
por pedroceinos | Ene 3, 2021 | ethnic-groups, travel, yi
Danuohei, the stone village of the Sani minority Danuohei, the stone village of the Sani minority Danuohei Village – (大糯黑村) is a Sani minority village. The Sani minority, actually a branch of the Yi, lives in the whole area around the Stone Forest until reaching...