Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse

Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse

Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse Treating illnesses with a pillow from under a corpse In a biography of Xu Sibo[1], a Daoist specialist in water therapy of the fifth century of our era[2], we read: «There lived a matron who had been troubled with...
The economics of human plowing

The economics of human plowing

The economics of human plowing The economics of human plowing  According to “The Exploitation Of The Works Of Nature”, a 17th century Chinese book.  In farming households where there are no oxen to use, farmers fix a pole to the plough and two men pull the plough by...
The Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong

The Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong

The Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong The Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong The past few days I have been reading a novel about China’s most famous rogue monk. About the Monk Ji Gong, better known for his fondness for wine and meat than for his religious...
The tiger hero of the Naxi

The tiger hero of the Naxi

The tiger hero of the Naxi The tiger hero of the Naxi[1] A long time ago, a man named Gaoqu Gaobo lived in the Baoshan area. He had a strong body, lively intelligence, and certain magical powers. He was always willing to help people. One day he went on a trip with a...

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