por pedroceinos | Mar 17, 2022 | books, culture
Buddhist Monks in Medieval China Buddhist Monks in Medieval China That is the subject of John Kieschnick’s book. The book analyzes the contents of the three collections of biographies of monks that became famous in medieval China, through them he tries to give...
por pedroceinos | Mar 6, 2022 | books, culture
Manual of Taoist Architecture Manual of Taoist Architecture There are some illustrated books that produce in the reader a contradictory feeling, because the images that explain what the text is about are sometimes accompanied by an exposition of ideas that is too...
por pedroceinos | Mar 4, 2022 | books, culture, folklore
How the presence of goddesses paves the way for female power How the presence of goddesses paved the way for female power One of the theses of my book Matriarchy in China: mothers, goddesses, queens and shamans (Madrid, 2011) was to assert that the presence of...
por pedroceinos | Jul 16, 2021 | culture
Spirits possession in ancient China Spirits possession in ancient China. I have just finished reading The Ancestors Are Drunk, a book by Jordan Paper. Perhaps one of the best books on the religion of China that can be found, because with every chapter, almost with...
por pedroceinos | Jun 28, 2021 | books, culture
Yan Lianke. The Four Books Yan Lianke. The Four Books The Four Books refers to the famous Four Books of Confucius, the basis of Chinese thought for two millennia. And like those of Confucius, these by Yan Lianke could become a new model for understanding the glories...
por pedroceinos | Jun 23, 2021 | culture
What if China’s history had been precipitated by the eruption of a volcano in Greece? What if China’s history had been precipitated by the eruption of a volcano in Greece? Although in present times there is greater concern about global phenomena, it is not...