por pedroceinos | Jul 2, 2020 | books, culture
The Yu Garden in Shanghai: archetype of Chinese garden Pedro Ceinos Arcones. Yu garden in Shanghai: Archetype of Chinese garden. Dancing Dragons Books. 2019. (Excerpts from the book) The Yu Garden is Shanghai’s main monument and the one that best summarizes the...
por pedroceinos | Jun 30, 2020 | books, culture
the dog in China’s ancient tombs Pedro Ceinos Arcones. La Magia del perro en China y el mundo. Dancing Dragons Books. 2019. (Excerpts from the book) The dog in China’s ancient tombs In China, dogs buried with their owners have been discovered in archaeological sites...
por pedroceinos | Jun 29, 2020 | culture
SOME PHILOSOPHICAL SCHOOLS IN BUDDHA’S TIMES Peter Harvey. Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices. Cambridge University Press. 2013. (Excerpts from the book. Page 11 and ff.) In its origin, Buddhism was a Samana-movement. Samanas were wandering ‘renunciant’...
por pedroceinos | Jun 28, 2020 | culture
The origin of chinese characters The origin of Chinese characters in John C. Didier, “In and Outside the Square,” Sino-Platonic Papers, 192, vol. 1 (September, 2009) The technology of writing appears suddenly and morphologically fully developed on Shang oracle bones...
por pedroceinos | Abr 2, 2020 | culture, travel
The Sacred Taishan mountain Taishan Mountain, life and death in Chinese culture, according to the work of Edouard Chavannes Mountains are, in China, divinities. They are considered as nature powers who act in a conscious way and who can, therefore, be made favourable...
por pedroceinos | Mar 28, 2020 | culture
a taoist exorcisme seance ‘My friend is going to conclude an exorcism service this morning and, if you are really so interested, he hopes you can come and witness it.’ He paused uncertainly. ‘But I must warn 86 you that it is not a pretty sight....