por pedroceinos | Dic 21, 2021 | ethnic-groups, folklore, Naxi
The tiger hero of the Naxi The tiger hero of the Naxi[1] A long time ago, a man named Gaoqu Gaobo lived in the Baoshan area. He had a strong body, lively intelligence, and certain magical powers. He was always willing to help people. One day he went on a trip with a...
por pedroceinos | Dic 20, 2021 | books
The Stories of Beijing of David Kidd The Stories of Beijing of David Kidd This book narrates some events in the life of an aristocratic family during the years in which China ended its traditional history and became a communist country. The author arrived in Beijing...
por pedroceinos | Dic 19, 2021 | travel
What if modern science originated on the Silk Road? What if modern science originated on the Silk Road? In one of his most striking works, Warriors of the Cloisters: The Central Asian Origins of Science in the Medieval World, Christopher Beckwith, as the title of the...
por pedroceinos | Dic 17, 2021 | travel
Splendor of Xian in the Tang Dynasty The splendor of Xian in the Tang Dynasty Every visitor to the city of Xian has heard that the city reached its peak of splendor during the Tang dynasty, but given that today only the Great Goose Pagoda, the Small Goose Pagoda, and...
por pedroceinos | Ago 4, 2021 | folklore
The heroine of the Li family – A Chinese tale The heroine of the Li family The humid lowlands north of Mount Yong were once occupied by a gigantic python about three feet thick and 70 or 80 feet long. Its presence scared away the natives from the vicinity and...