Zhuang Folk Tales from Wuming Zhuang Folk Tales from Wuming This book is a good sample of the folk literature of the Zhuang people living around Wuming County. Though formally separated in six chapters under the epigraphs of Traditional virtues, Bravery and Diligence,...
Researches on the Mo culture of the Zhuang Researches on the Mo culture of the Zhuang (壮族墨文化研究 Zhuang zu mo wenhua yanjiu). Huang Guiqiu。 Nationalities Press. Beijing. 2006. 321 pp Mo culture of the Zhuang refers to the Mo beliefs of the Zhuang and the Buyi...
Deciphering the culture of the fertility cults Deciphering the culture of the fertility cults (生殖崇拜的文化解读 Shengzhi chongbai de wenhua jiedu). Liao Mingjun. Guangxi Peoples Press. Nanning, 2006 This book is a study of the fertility cults among the Chinese...
Pregnancy and Birth ceremonies among the Sha branch of the Zhuang Pregnancy and Birth ceremonies among the Sha branch of the Zhuang The Sha are one of the branches of the Zhuang. They live in Yunnan province. The birth of a new child among them is surrounded by...
Some dances of the Zhuang people Some dances of the Zhuang people The Zhuang have a number of dances. Originating from different periods of their history, it is thought that the older ones have a ritual origin, imitating the movements of their shamans during their...