por pedroceinos | Dic 21, 2021 | ethnic-groups, folklore, Naxi
The tiger hero of the Naxi The tiger hero of the Naxi[1] A long time ago, a man named Gaoqu Gaobo lived in the Baoshan area. He had a strong body, lively intelligence, and certain magical powers. He was always willing to help people. One day he went on a trip with a...
por pedroceinos | Ago 4, 2021 | folklore
The heroine of the Li family – A Chinese tale The heroine of the Li family The humid lowlands north of Mount Yong were once occupied by a gigantic python about three feet thick and 70 or 80 feet long. Its presence scared away the natives from the vicinity and...
por pedroceinos | Jul 22, 2021 | folklore
The hound as go between – A Chinese mysterious tale The hound as go-between – A Chinese mysterious tale During the Han dynasty, Huang Yuan of the principality of Taishan opened his gate one morning to find a black hound sitting outside keeping watch, as if...
por pedroceinos | May 17, 2021 | culture, folklore
The Filial Peasant Girl – A Buddhist Miracle Tale The Filial Peasant Girl – A Buddhist Miracle Tale With the arrival of Buddhism in China, in addition to translating the main canonical scriptures, other more popular religious literature began to emerge,...