por pedroceinos | Feb 17, 2021 | travel
The Zhunti Temple in Kunming, a cult to a mysterious goddess The Zhunti Temple in Kunming, a cult to a mysterious goddess In the center of Kunming there are barely a handful of temples left, but as one moves towards the outskirts one can still find some that for one...
por pedroceinos | Feb 3, 2021 | travel
The Temple of Shen’an: Exemplary Writer and Traveler in Ming China The Temple of Shen’an: Exemplary Writer and Traveler in Ming China Almost at the entrance to Kunming’s famous West Mountains there is a small temple that goes unnoticed by most...
por pedroceinos | Ene 11, 2021 | travel
The Silk Road: Ancient communication between Asia and Europe The Silk Road: Ancient communication between Asia and Europe The Silk Road is the longest and oldest commercial network on our planet, the oldest, the one used for the longest time, and the one that has had...
por pedroceinos | Ene 7, 2021 | travel
Description of Mount Taishan in 1870 Description of Mount Taishan in 1870 You know I love to read testimonials from the past about travel and culture in China. Some of the authors who were writing at that time didn’t have much opportunity to know more or their...
por pedroceinos | Ene 1, 2021 | travel
Kashgar, the jewel of the Silk Road Kashgar, the jewel of the Silk Road Those who prepare a trip to the Chinese Silk Road suddenly discover that among the recommended places, there is one at a considerable distance from all the others. It is the city of Kashgar and...