THE LION-DANCE AS RELIGIOUS DANCE THE LION-DANCE AS RELIGIOUS DANCE The lion-dancers first appeared in China under the Tang dynasty (a.d. 618-906), and made their debut at the court of the kings of Tibet about the same time. The lion-dancer represents a form of the...
Taosi. The first capital of China

Taosi. The first capital of China

Taosi. The first capital of China Taosi. The first capital of China Taosi is one of the most important archaeological discoveries in China in the past decades. Located in the southern part of Shanxi province, is possibly the first urban center emerged in China. The...
Who is this Goddess of Heaven scattering flowers?

Who is this Goddess of Heaven scattering flowers?

Who is this Goddess of Heaven scattering flowers? Who is this Goddess of Heaven scattering flowers? When we arrive in a country with a culture as different as China, it is as if a fog blanket covers our eyes, allowing us only a blurred vision of everything around us....
Why do you must visit a Chinese park?

Why do you must visit a Chinese park?

Why do you must visit a Chinese park? Why do you must visit a Chinese park? Many experienced travelers to China include in their programs the visit a neighborhood market thinking that the essence of the culture of the people is concentrated there. And they have their...
The most beautiful Buddhist sculpture in Beijing

The most beautiful Buddhist sculpture in Beijing

The most beautiful Buddhist sculpture in Beijing The most beautiful Buddhist sculpture in Beijing It is the «Stone sculpture of the Sakyamuni Buddha with two guardians», which is in the Capital Museum of Beijing. It is dated in the Northern Wei Dynasty, in the 23rd...

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