Books on China

Ethnic China Living Books


Since I started with the page more than 10 years ago I have been posting some book reviews and news. Now that information is going to be expanded with the small summaries that I make (sometimes) for myself after reading a book or an article, or some of the notes that I take after the readings. In some interesting books that I have not been able to read or of which I do not keep any notes, I may put the text provided by the publisher.

I think all readers will be able to distinguish when it is a personal opinion, when it is an excerpt from the work, and when it is material provided by the publisher. 

I have organized the material in the following sections. If you think something is missing, please write to me at the address below.

– Art                                                                                                    

– Buddhism                                                                                      

– Classics of Chinese culture                                                     

– Daoism or Taoism

– Ethnic groups

– Folklore                                                                                          

– Gender, women and matriarchy                                         

– History                                                                                            

– Idiom and language

– Journeys and travels

– Literature and poetry                               

– Myths, tales and legends                                        

– Novels

– Orientalisms. Novels set in China.       

– Philosophy

– Qi Gong, taiji and health techniques.

– Religion                                                           

– Society

– Tibet  

– Zoom on politics and current affairs

jinuo book


Yan Lianke. The Four Books
Yan Lianke. The Four Books

Yan Lianke. The Four Books The Four Books refers to the famous Four Books of Confucius, the basis of Chinese thought for two millennia. And like those of Confucius, these by Yan Lianke could become a new model for understanding the glories and miseries of human...

Lao She Cat Country
Lao She Cat Country

Cat Country - Lao She Sometimes we say that a poet or a writer writes with his blood, and there are many occasions in which writers end up paying with their lives for having written a book. This is possibly one of them, and we can say that Lao She paid with his life...

Discover the secret of the dances of Chinese minorities
Discover the secret of the dances of Chinese minorities

Li Beida. Dances of the Chinese minorities. Beijing, China Intercontinental Press, 2006 Though readers fond of Chinese ethnic groups will welcome the publishing of this new book about the minorities' dances, many will feel disappointed after its reading. This is...

The world of Shanghai courtesans
The world of Shanghai courtesans

The world of Shanghai courtesans The Sing-song girls of Shanghai. A novel by Han Bangqing. The action of this novel takes place, as its title indicates, in the world of the singing girls of Shanghai, of which it is also a description. The singing girls were a type of...

Classics of Filial Piety
Classics of Filial Piety

Classics of Filial Piety Since the establishment of a Confucian society in the Han dynasty, some two thousand years ago, filial piety could be considered the central pillar around which Chinese society has been built. The behavior of each person towards his father...

Teahouse: A Drama by Lao She
Teahouse: A Drama by Lao She

In Brief: One of the best contemporary plays compels multiple reflections on hope and power, and perhaps that universal dream of living in a just society. A drama that unfolds in a limited space spanning half a century of Chinese history. In the three acts in which it...

To Serve the People, a satire by Yan Lianke
To Serve the People, a satire by Yan Lianke

To Serve the People, a satire by Yan Lianke In Brief: A biting satire in which the small longings of each person are exposed as the inevitable substratum on which great ideals, such as "serving the people" are built. The censorship of a Chinese work is a powerful...

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant by Yu Hua
Chronicle of a Blood Merchant by Yu Hua

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant by Yu Hua One of the best Chinese novels of the 20th century. Without the apparent search for big ideas, it seduces the reader by its simplicity, and ends up entangling him in its plot. Chronicle of a blood seller, in reality, it is only...

The Grand Canal and the Great Wall
The Grand Canal and the Great Wall

The Grand Canal and the Great Wall In Brief: A brief review showing some of the similarities between the two iconic works of Chinese history and culture, their goals, and their differences. As well as how they both ended up shaping this country. I have always been...

Chinese characters

Caractères chinois – le livre
Caractères chinois – le livre

Caractères chinois - le livre Ce livre est consacré à révéler à l'étudiant occidental le "mystère" des caractères chinois, rendre leur apprentissage simple, fournir les clés pour entrevoir le sens et la prononciation des caractères inconnus. Pour ce faire, nous allons...

Ethnic groups

Sunset in Dali
Sunset in Dali

No Words Fuxing Rd from the South Gate. Dali, Yunnan.Corner in Fuxing Rd, Dali, Yunnan.Night market at the south of the South Gate. Dali. YunnanLast posts

Chinese culture

The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  now available in Greek language
The book Hanzi for HSK 1-3 now available in Greek language

The book “Hanzi for HSK 1-3”  now available in Greek language This April, the translation of my book Hanzi for HSK 1-3  has been published in the main digital bookstores in Greece. The Greek version of this book, from the pen of Stefanos Karampalis, has been one of...

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