Book – General introduction of the Culture of the Zhuang

Dai Guanglu and He Zhengting. The General introduction of the Culture of the Zhuang People. Yunnan Fine Arts Publishing House. Kunming, 2005.

Though this book is not properly written in English, it has a two page English introduction to each of the twelve chapter it contains. The book is fully colour illustrated and it counts also with an English index, so it can be one useful quick reading about the main characteristic of the Zhuang culture in Yunnan Province.

Here we offer one of these introductory English language pages (1), and the bilingual index (2).

  1. «Long»-The Ecological Culture of the Harmony between Man and Nature (p. 2)

«Long», has the meaning of «forest» and «woods» in the Zhuang’s language. The Zhuang of Yunnan especially reveres and worships «Long». They regard big trees in the forest as patron saints of the village community trees, commonly called as «Long tree», including «Sun god tree», «spirit tree in the village», «supernatural tree of ancestor» or «supernatural tree of intelligence» etc. «Long tree» is considered as the forest around «Long forest»; the hillside which covered by «Long forest» is called «Long mountain». There are two famous large «Long mountains» in Yunnan, one is Bohonglao lying in the county of Wenshan (the meaning of Zhuang language is Liaohuang mountain), in the east of the Chouyang riverside is the farmland to multiply for the Neolithic Age Xiaohe People» and the Old Stone Age ancient “Xichou People»; Another is Bojijin, lies in Guangnan county (Seven stock mountains pulse gather in the Zhuang language).

The embankment of Guangnan was the origin of ancient Gouding kingdom more than 2,000 years ago. The Zhuang in Yunnan protects strictly «Long mountain», forbids anyone to cut down, forbid throwing  the filth away or putting and burying. They think that the «Long» is holy and pure, which can avoid the disease and pestilence, prevent the natural calamity; In the village which is encircled «Long», people can be healthy and have a long life; The common people’s basic necessities of life can carefree; The clear spring trickling all the year round in «Long», is the most important condition of planting the rice; They regard the sprouting, sending, honoring and withering about «Long» as the message of spring, summer, autumn and winter; Seeding, pulling up hoe, gathering and farming activity of preserving are based on the change of «Long»; According to the growth cycle of plant in “Long» and the moon round to lack, they make their own lunar calendar ; They still call «prohibiting the mountain forest, banking up the geomantic omen with earth» as the major issue «to concern».

For this reason, the Zhuang holds a memorial ceremony for «Long» in the second day of the second lunar month or the third day of March every year; They regard it as the spiritual prop of village community and a tie of national group solidarity. Holding a memorial ceremony for «Long», the team should beat drums and gongs, dance lion and play dragon, going from village to village, organizing large scale song and dance and Wushu’s performance. The Zhuang offers sacrifices to forest and protects forest, reflecting the good prevailing custom that the whole people cherish forest, protect ecology, beautify living environment and get harmonious along with naturally. It is the concrete embodiment of the ancient «harmony between man and nature.

  1. Contents

第一章 “竜” 一天人合一的生态文化 (1)

Chapter 1 «Long»- The Ecological Culture of the Harmony between Man and Nature

第一节 壮乡大“竜” 博宏像(5)

Section 1 The Large’Long»in Zhang Village-Bohonglaoll(5)

第二节 壮乡神“竜” -博吉金(9)

Section 2 The Magical Long in Zhang Village-Bojijinl(9)

第三节 壮族祭“竜”的活动内容及其仪式 (16)

Section 3 Contents and Ceremony of which Zhang Offer a Sacrifice to Long16)

第四节 壮族祭“竜”的历史成因及科学诠释、(21)

Section 4 The History Cause and Scientific Explanation of which Zhang Offer a Sacrifice to «Long (21)

第二章 “那” 一历史悠久的稻作文化 \\ (25)

Chapter 2 «Na» The Rice Culture with a Long History(26)

第一节“那”地名文化景观与稻作文明的起源 V(29)

Section 1. Culture Scenery of «Na» Place Name and Origin of the Rice Civilization\\(29)

第二节 “那”演绎了壮家如诗如画的田园生活(34)

Section 2 «Na» Deducted Zhang’s Beautiful Idyllic Life(34)

第三节 稻神田及与稻作相关的风俗习惯(42)

Section 3 Magical Rice Fields and Custom of Rice Culture(42)

第四节 名扬四海的八宝贡米、(49)

Section 4 The Well known Tribute Rice of Babaol(49)

第三章“粮糯”与“世务” 一独具特色的饮食文化 (53)

Chapter 3 «Kounu» and «Parkhang»-The Distinctive Cooking Culture(54)


Section 1 The Wonderful «Kounu» Food (57)

第二节 独特的“也夯”菜看、(63)

Section 2 The Characteristic «Parkhang (63)

第三节 别致的名酒、名茶与风味小吃(69)

Section 3 The Tea Drink and Snack of Zhuang Village (69)

第四章 “壬 栏” 奇巧壮丽的建筑文化\\(77)

Chapter 4 «Ren Lan» The Marvelous and Majestic Building Culture (78)

第一节干栏民居建筑 (81)

Section 1 «Ganlan» Folk Buildings|(81)

第二节 官邸豪宅建筑 (87)

Section 2 Official Residences and Powerful Houses (87)

第三节 宗教场所与公共设施建筑1(92)

Section 3 Religious Places and Public Facilities Buildings(92)

第五章 相全 “帕比、帕空” 一绚丽多彩的服饰文化\\(99)

Chapter 5 «Bangbek, Bangkong»-The Colorful Dress Culture(100)

第一节 姹紫嫣红的壮锦 11 (103)

Section 1 The Gaily Dressed Zhuang Silk (103)


Section 2 The Traditional Characteristic Dress (108)

第三节 民族支系的标志 (114)

Section 3 Signs of Ethnic Branches W(114)

第六章 “欢景” 神人共娱的节日文化 \\ (123)

Chapter 6 «Hank jing» God-man Total Amusement Festival Culture W124)

第一节隆重热烈的大小年节 、(127)

Section 1 The Grand Spring Festival and the Lunar New Year’s Day\|(127)


Section 2 The Solemn June Festival and the July Festival (135)

第三节 “陇端”、三月三、赶花街及其他节日 ((139)

Section 3 «Longduan», the Third March Festival, Singing Folk Songs Festival and Other Festivals (139)

第七章 “伦” 音韵溢彩的歌圩文化1(145)

Chapter 7 «Leng” — The Colorful Culture of the Song Country Fair


Section 1 The Song Country Fair (149)

第二节 壮族诗歌的主要内容 (155)

Section 2 Main Contents of Zhuang’s Poems(155)


Section 3 Twin Lotus Flowers Zhuang’s Drama(170)

第八章 “奧 礼” 一以人为本的礼俗文化 (175)

Chapter 8 «Binli» The Etiquette and Custom Culture of People First

第一节 婚姻礼俗 (179)

Section 1 The Custom of Marriage (179)

第二节出生与寿礼 V(185)

Section 2 The Custom of Offering Birthday Congratulations to Newly-born Baby and the Elder (185)

第三节 丧葬习俗 (189)

Section 3 The Custom of Burying(189)

茉瓦 –  第九章 “莱瓦” -源远流长的艺术文化 1(197)

Chapter 9 «Laiva»- The Artistic Culture with a Long History (198)


Section 1 The Ancient Cliff Drawings(201)

第二节 石雕与木刻 (208)

Section 2 The Stone and Wood Carvings(208)

第三节 农民版画与现代美术家的作品 (214)

Section 3 The Woodcut of Zhuang’s Peasants and Paintings of Modem Artists(214)

掌雅第十章“掌雅” 一济世救民的医药文化 (221)

Chapter 10 «Zhangya»-The Medical Culture of Helping and Rescuing People(222)

第一节 “掌雅”的奇妙医术 \\ (225)

Section 1 The Wonderful «Zhangya» Medical Skill (225)

第二节 优异的壮乡药材 、(231)

Section 2 Good Quality Zhuang’s Medicinal Materials W(231)

第三节 发展中的壮医壮药(235)

Section 3 Developing Zhuang’s Medical Skill and Medicines (235)

多介- 第十一章“摩”与“多介” 一古老凝重的宗教文化1(241)

Chapter 11 «Mo» and «Dokjie» The Old and Deep Religious Culture(242)

第一节 壮族摩教及其经典 1(245)

Section 1 The Zhuang «Mo» Religion and Scripture (245)

第二节摩教的鸡卜书 (254)

Section 2 The «Chicken Divine» Book of «Mo» Religion (254)

第三节 摩教神谱、法器与摩教的法事活动 、(259)

Section 3 «Mo’ God Scripture, Musical Instruments and Religions Activities\\(259)

第四节 摩教用纸的生产 (267)

Section 4 The «Mo» Paper Making\\(267)

第十二章 “宁董” 一庄重神圣的铜鼓文化 (269)

Chapter 12 «Ning dong»— The Serious and Sacred Bronze Drum Culture (270)

第一节 壮乡铜鼓 1(273)

Section 1 The Bronze Drums in Zhuang Village\|(273)

第二节 铜鼓的铸造与应用 (279)

Section 2 The Casting and Using of Bronze Drums! (279)

第三节 铜鼓的 文化传承 (283)

Section 3 The Spreading and Inheriting of Bronze Drum Culture(283)

第四节 铜鼓乐舞 1(287)

Section 4 The Music and Dance of Bronze Drums (287)

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