The world of Shanghai courtesans

The world of Shanghai courtesans

The world of Shanghai courtesans The world of Shanghai courtesans The Sing-song girls of Shanghai. A novel by Han Bangqing. The action of this novel takes place, as its title indicates, in the world of the singing girls of Shanghai, of which it is also a description....
Chinese characters -person

Chinese characters -person

The magic of Chinese characters A sample of the first three pages of the English translation of my book on Chinese characters 人 rén – person, human being • adult • each.  This is a pictogram of a person standing, with legs separated. Person > kind of person >...
Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila

Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila

Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila Yunnan is the most interesting province in China and the most recommended for those looking to travel to exotic places or planning a second trip to China. Its...

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