por pedroceinos | Jun 13, 2021 | travel
Jianshui- the largest ancient building complex in Yunnan Jianshui- the largest ancient building complex in Yunnan 220 kilometers southeast of Kunming is one of the oldest cities in Yunnan. In imperial times it was the main administrative center for the entire eastern...
por pedroceinos | Jun 9, 2021 | books, culture
The world of Shanghai courtesans The world of Shanghai courtesans The Sing-song girls of Shanghai. A novel by Han Bangqing. The action of this novel takes place, as its title indicates, in the world of the singing girls of Shanghai, of which it is also a description....
por pedroceinos | Jun 8, 2021 | travel
Yunnan Top 10- The places that every traveler must visit Yunnan Top 10- The places that every traveler must visit Lugu Lake. Scenery. Lugu Lake is the most beautiful lake in Yunnan. Located at an altitude of 3,000 meters, its ever-blue waters provide incredibly...
por pedroceinos | Jun 8, 2021 | chinese-characters
The magic of Chinese characters A sample of the first three pages of the English translation of my book on Chinese characters 人 rén – person, human being • adult • each. This is a pictogram of a person standing, with legs separated. Person > kind of person >...
por pedroceinos | Jun 7, 2021 | travel
Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila Traveling to Yunnan Province – the new Shangrila Yunnan is the most interesting province in China and the most recommended for those looking to travel to exotic places or planning a second trip to China. Its...